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6 Celebrities Who Never Age

Youthfulness vanishes with time, but these celebrities are an exception. For them, age is so much more than just a number.  
Aging demands paying attention to many of the things like a makeover, diet, exercise. But these stars are lucky enough who have grown older equally keeping their youthfulness fresh. They seem to get better with age, and nothing stops them from staying young. They have proved that plastic surgery is not the only core to maintaining the charm of personality. 
These beautiful people around 50 or above are the inspiration for us all. If you think, we left any of your favorite ageless celebrities, let us know in the comments section.
1. Julia Roberts

Elegant, stylish, stunning, sexy, all these words are lesser to describe Julia. She is 47 years now. She prefers healthy living rather than cosmetic surgery. And see, she is always just ravishing

2.  Salma Hayek

Dazzling Salma is 48 now. According to her, the secret to her age-defying beauty is she always remains excited and positive towards life

3.  Tina Fey

This multi-talented diva is shining each day. Tina is 45 years now, and she has kept herself far from plastic surgery. We wish this pretty female comedian will make us laugh for years and years to come

4. Kate Winslet

She is all time favorite. The mother of three Kate is 39 years now and believes in staying naturally beautiful. In her words, plastic Surgery is against her morals. Without any machinery makeover, she is maintaining her youthfulness. 

5. Kim Cattrall

Kim is 58 and doesn't believe that she is near 60. She considers this age to be young. That's the spirit of staying younger

6. Kate Moss

Everlasting fashion darling Kate Moss is 41 now, and she is as beautiful as ever. She is still one of the most demanded models. She says NO to plastic surgery and loves remaining young like this always naturally

Muhammad Hunain

Muhammad Hunain

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