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6 Gross Things That Can Happen If You Don't Wash Your Bra Often

The golden rule of laundry is that, the closer a cloth is to your body, the more you should be washing it. Doing your own laundry can be a hectic task so most of us go on days and weeks without washing our clothes, But our undergarments need to washed very often so that your body isn't a host to growing bacteria. 
When it comes to bras, it is crucial to wash them at least once a week or else you will have to face disastrous complications like these. 

Are you washing your bra regularly?

It is suggested that bras should be washed at least once in a week.

It goes without saying that your underwear should be washed daily but undergarments like the bra can stay a bit longer.

1. It would start stinking

Which will also cause all other clothes to stink as well. Now nobody wants to come close to a stinking lady.

2. Your nipples will begin to get affected

There might be tiny pustules or eruptions on your nipples that are definitely unhealthy.

3. Infections and rashes

If bras aren't washed for a prolonged period of time, they could cause skin irritation which will result in rashes or infections on the chest area.

4. Deeper layers of your skin will be affected due to the accumulations

Your bras and the skin underneath will accumulate a tremendous amount of oil, bacteria, lotion, fungi and sweat which will result in an infection that can spread to deeper layers of the skin.

5. Acne problem

Last but not the least, acne can result from being unhygienic. You wouldn't want that, would you?

Before you freak out..

It can be terrifying that simply not washing your bra regularly can cause so much havoc. So, it's just easy to keep your bras clean so that your skin doesn't have to face the consequences.
Muhammad Hunain

Muhammad Hunain

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